Hoje não há maminhas nem bundinhas prós meninos e prás meninas.
Nem há fotografias sobre outra coisa qualquer. Estou em greve. Não me perguntem porquê. Não sei. Não me apetece.
Nem há fotografias sobre outra coisa qualquer. Estou em greve. Não me perguntem porquê. Não sei. Não me apetece.
3 comentários:
e a mim apetece-me postar isto, aqui, em todos os sites, blogs, no coração de toda a gente...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A tale of online love inspired usually cynical New Yorkers this week to help a young man find the girl of his dreams after he spotted her on a crowded subway train.
For Web designer Patrick Moberg, 21, from Brooklyn, it was love at first sight when he locked eyes with a rosy-cheeked woman while riding in Manhattan on Sunday night. She was writing in her journal.
The train was so full that he lost her in the crowd when they both got off, so he set up a Web site dedicated to finding the mystery woman -- www.nygirlofmydreams.com.
He drew a picture of the girl, who was wearing blue shorts, blue tights, and a red flower in her hair, and posted his cell phone number, e-mail address and an appeal for help finding her.
It worked.
Também já encontrei a rapariga dos meus sonhos.
O problema é ter de acordar.
eheheheh! grande anónimo!
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